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Mashantucket Pequot Museum Store

Curating items for the Mashantucket Pequot Museum Store has been a dream come true.  My family has generational ties to three regional tribes (the Pequots being one) so the partnership was a natural fit that has produced products that help tell the story of a proud and sustaining people.

August 11, 2023, marked the 25th Anniversary of the opening of the Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center.

To celebrate the occasion, W!CDG designed and produced a commemorative insulated water bottle featuring a traditional basket pattern,

along with a copper plated "Meesumok Neetop" Coin, and a Copper finished lapel pin which was a replica of oars on display at the museum.

25th Anniversary Bottle

MPMRC Water bottle

25th Anniversary Bottle Packaging

MPMRC Commemorative Box

25th Anniversary Custom Coin

MPMRC Commemorative Coin

25th Anniversary Custom Lapel Pin

MPMRC Commemorative Lapel Pins

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